The New Amazing Spider-Man Suit


The new “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” suit was revealed in Feb, 2013, and the movie is due out on May 2, 2014.

Andrew Garfield’s in his new Spiderman suit looks great. The costume features much bigger white colored eyes, which get definitely new eye shape comparing to the first amazing spiderman suit, and gnarly web shooters throughout. Spider-Man looks as cool as ever.

There are many comments said that this new amazing Spiderman suit is as close as any of the Spider-Man movies have come to matching the character’s design in the comics. What do you think of the new Spiderman suit?

See casting here:

“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” stars Andrew Garfield, Shailene Woodley, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Colm Feore, Felicity Jones, Paul Giamatti and Sally Field. Andrew Garfield is playing Peter Parker (of course, he is the cutest spiderman), Woodley is Mary Jane Watson, Emma is Gwen, Foxx is Electro, and DeHaan is Harry Osborn.

Alternate Designs for The Amazing Spider-Man


Here’s some alternate looks that Spidey could have been sporting in Mark Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man.

Alternate Amazing Spider-Man Suits by Eddie Yang

This is one thing I never really understand. I quite like the 1st and 3rd one but surely Eddie must have known they weren’t going to stray too far from the costume everyone’s familiar with.

Alternate Spidey Suitss by Jerad S. Marantz

These costumes are much closer to what we actually got on the big screen.

Mark Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man.

All Spiderman 2099 Suits

Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) is one of the many future versions of classic superheroes living in the year 2099, a century after the current Marvel Universe time period. He is the Spider-Man of the future.

The original Spider-Man 2099 suit is similar to classic Spider-Man’s suit, but with a more skull-like spider and more blue throughout. Miguel chooses this costume in particular because it is the only clothing he has that is made from Unstable Molecule Fabric which invented by Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, so that it will not be torn or shred by the spider-talons that now occupy his hands and feet.
Spider-Man 2099 costume also has a small, web-like airfoil attached to the back of his costume. The material for the air foil allows Spider-Man 2099 to limited gliding abilities, shift direction while in free fall and is very good at slowing down his descent.
Spiderman 2099 in comic books and anime look;
Spiderman 2099 in video games look

Spider-Man 2099

Spider-Man Suits I’d like to See on the Big Screen

Spider-Man Suits I’d like to See on the Big Screen

Our Friendly Neighborhood Spidey has been zipping around Manhattan for decades with his traditional and not-so-traditional costumes. We’ve already seen the red and blue spider-man suit and the Venom-style black spiderman suit on the screen, but what about other more costumes?

Here I listed 4 awesome Spider-Man Outfits I’d like to see brought to life on the big screen someday.

1.Miles Morales Spider-Man Unlimited Suit

Miles Morales

This suit is a combination of several other designs, mixing the red and blue with the bigger spider logo. It’s a good mix, and would definitely translate to the big screen.
2.Scarlet Spider-Man Suit

Scarlet Spider-Man Suit

When Peter Parker still had dibs on the Spider-Man identity but Ben Reilly wanted to do some webswinging of his own, the Scarlet Spider was born. The Scarlet Spiderman costume was designed by Tom Lyle. With some new colors and a Scarlet Spider hoodie over the classic superhero spandex suit, Ben took his design to the streets. His spider symbol goes on the front & the back, not straight up & down like Spider-Man’s symbol, but rather angled to the left as it’s worn. Short-lived though it may have been, the Scarlet Spider duds still stand as a bold take on the iconic Scarlet Spider costume.

3. Future Foundation Spider-Man Suit

Future Foundation Spider-Man Suit

Spidey teamed up with the Fantastic Four for a while on their Future Foundation, to help solve the world’s problems. In addition to an awesome mandate, the group also had some pretty stylish white suits.
4. Spider Armor

Spider Armor

The Spider Armor is the Spider-Man equivalent of empty calories. It’s totally a guilty pleasure and yes, we know it makes no sense for a character centered on speed and agility to be weighed down by a bulky metal costume…but c’mon—it’s so shiny! The Armor didn’t stick around longer than one specifically targeted adventure, so we can forgive its impracticality and merely bask in its wonderful excess.

The Amazing Bag-man Suit

Spidey has a lot of costumes like the classic Spiderman costume, the black Spiderman costume, Ben Reilly’s costume etc.
Which Spider-Man costume do you think is the funniest ever?

The Bag man Spiderman suit first appeared on Amazing SPIDER-MAN #258.
Spidey heads around to the Fantastic Four building, so that Reed Richards can have a look at his new black costume, which has been acting a bit strangely. When it turns out to be an alien symbiote, they remove it post-haste, leaving Peter with nothing to protect his secret identity.
The Human Torch Johnny Storm kindly lent Spidey an old Fantastic Four costume, with a brown paper bag for a mask and a “Kick Me” sign on the back. Peter Parker has a lot of Spiderman costumes, and this is one of the funniest and memorable costumes that Spider-man wore.